• Parents, please supervise your children while picking.
  • Adults and Children, it’s okay to taste a few berries while picking, but the berries are not to be made into a snack or meal until after you’ve paid for them. If you take (steal) from the farm by eating berries you’ve not paid for, you’ll forfeit what you’ve already picked and be asked to leave. This farm supports our family of six.
  • If you spill your bucket of berries while picking, please feel free to put them back into your bucket, or simply let us know you spilled some and place a donation in the tip jar for wasted berries.
  • Please be gentle with the bushes. Be careful not to break limbs or knock berries off the bushes.
  • Please be respectful of others around you. We want to preserve a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere. *Smoking is only permitted in the parking lot by or in your vehicle. Please dispose of your cigarette butts. Do not throw them on the ground. *No loud noises or music, please. *Please do not crowd others while picking…be sure others have enough space.
  • Please dispose of trash in provided trash containers.
  • Please return dirty buckets at the store counter.
  • Smile, enjoy the atmosphere of the farm, and have FUN! We’re glad you are here and hope you come back!

12 Replies to “BERRY U-PICK RULES:”

  1. Hello, so I see no Strawberries, do I need to place an order now for Blueberries, or do you suspect you will have pick-your-own available this year?

    1. We plan to do u-pick and will also be doing prepicked orders. It’s best to place an order for prepicked berries. Thanks!

      1. Provided we don’t get any hail or damaging winds, blueberries will be available for you-pick about June 1st.

  2. Hi, Holly! Is this the right place to order 2 lb of asparagus as it becomes available?
    All the best,

    1. Hi. Call 870 425 7028 and leave a message with your name, phone number, order, and whether you want a text or call when it’s ready. It may get lost in the shuffle here… Thanks!

  3. You gave prices for all prepicked berries but what are prices for upick?Love to pick berries and have for last 10 years. You have made it much more enjoyable with cleaning up the rows. Thank you for that.

  4. I’m trying to figure out how many blueberries I need. So my question is, will 1 pound of blueberries be equivalent to about 1 quart? And does it look like the 2nd week of June the blueberries will be ready to pick?

    1. Hi Tammy, A quart weighs about 1.33 pounds. We will begin U-Pick on Saturday June 10th at 7:00 a.m.

    1. Hello, Blackberries will not be available for you-pick until approximately June 15th. If you are wanting pre-picked, we will call you when your gallons are ready for pick up. We will need a phone number, so please call the farm and leave you name, phone number, and that you asked for 2 gallons of blackberries via the website. Thank you!

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