Healthy Habits & Natural Remedies

Healthy Habits:

Eat Nutritious Foods– Eat lots of whole foods such a fruits, veggies, and whole grains! Be sure to include raw fruits and veggies into your diet. Eat as much home grown foods as you can…if you can’t grow your own food, go to farmers’ market…get a few chickens and enjoy fresh eggs or buy from a neighbor…find locally grown beef and other meats…buy raw milk instead of the store bought homogenized, pasteurized milk… Make meals from scratch. Avoid overly processed foods that contain preservatives, dyes, MSG, hydrogenated oils, genetically modified ingredients, high fructose corn syrup, and other unnatural food additives. Overly processed and highly refined food items do not promote good health.

Take Care of Your Gut– Probiotic rich foods and beverages are so important…kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, etc. These should be a regular part of your diet. A healthy gut aids in overall general health…”the life is in the gut”.

Detox– There’s teas, capsules, and more out there. If you need a detox, start with the colon before moving on to other systems. Toxins need a way to escape…out the colon is the way!

Stay Active– Make sure exercise is a part of your daily routine. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to get active…push mow the yard, rake leaves, go for a hike or walk in your neighborhood, play ball with the kids, or do farm work!

Breathe Fresh/Pure Air– Pure air is so important in maintaining a healthy body. Do what you can to make sure you’re breathing as much fresh/pure air as you can. Move to the country and/or make frequent trips to the country or buy an air purifier for your home. Be sure to get outside even if the air quality might not be the best, it’s better than stale indoor air.

Get Some Sunshine– Contrary to popular belief, the sun is good for you! The sun provides us with vitamin D. Vitamin D influences our mood and aids our bodies in the absorption of vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat. Don’t get too much or too little…

Drink Pure Water– Find a good water filter for your home. A good water filtration system is a stainless steel Berkey. They have several sizes to choose from. If you have to purchase water, make sure it’s from a legitimately pure source and avoid buying plastic bottles. Find a natural spring near you and with permission, fill up your jars! Once you’ve secured a good water source, drink lots of it!

Get Adequate Rest– Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep. On average, we need between 6 to 8 hours.

Live a Balanced Life– Don’t eat too much or too little. Don’t be overly active or overly sedentary. Don’t get too little sleep or not enough sleep.

Take Care of Your Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health– Avoid negative relationships and situations if possible. Stay positive. Get around people who encourage you and make you want to be a better person. Get counseling. Pray. Seek the Lord. Refresh yourself with music, art, getting out in natural, whatever is a stress reliever for you and brings you peace.

Natural Remedies:

Elderberry Tonic/Syrup– Elderberry tonic is an excellent immune system booster. You can buy the berries from Mountain Home Berry Farm or find dried ones online or you can pick elderberries locally and make your own tonic. You can also find the tonic in gummy or capsule form. Elderberry tonic can be taken daily or used as symptoms arise or during cold & flu season. Elderberry is more than just an immune booster and can be used for a variety of ailments such as cancer and arthritis.

Colloidal Silver– Colloidal silver is a highly potent antibiotic and antiviral substance. Nano colloidal silver is the way to go. In our household, we generally use colloidal silver for more serious symptoms. Not all silver is created equally. Make sure you get the good stuff!

Herbal Teas– There are all kinds of wonderful medicinal teas out there. There’s teas for stomach issues, colds, and just about anything you need to treat! These teas can be sipped on throughout the day. Be sure to add honey instead of refined sugar. Refined sugar taxes the immune system thus slowing down healing time.

Probiotics– Probiotics are friendly or good bacteria. These have been effective in treating stomach issues that might arise due to a virus, bad bacteria, etc. Eat probiotic rich foods and drink probiotic rich beverages. If you can’t do that, take probiotics in chewable tablets, powder form, or capsules.

Essential Oils– Like colloidal silver, make sure you get the good ones! Essential oils can be diffused, put on your skin, and taken internally. There’s oils that help with just about anything you’re dealing with!

Garlic Powder/Whole Garlic/Garlic Oil Softgels– Garlic is amazing! Garlic is antiviral and a strong antibiotic. We use garlic regularly. You can buy garlic oil in softgel form and take it daily or use as needed. These make it easy to get garlic down. These aren’t something you can overdo. You can take them every couple of hours if needed. Garlic powder can be swallowed down by adding it to some honey or putting it into some juice, water, or hot tea. Whole garlic cloves can be taken by putting them into a spoon full of honey and chewing it (if you can) or swallowing it down.

Fire Cider & Fermented Honey Garlic– I’ve not made these yet but plan to. Look online for recipes. These would be great to have on hand for cold and flu season.

Herbs– Echinacea, Goldenseal, Olive Leaf, Mullein, Oregano, Mint, and More! You can purchase so many great herbs in capsule form, powder form, etc.

Vitamin C– Vitamin C is easy to find and is wonderful in aiding the body in healing. It can be purchased in chewable tablets, capsules, gummy, or powder form. You can also find Vitamin C in various foods…kiwis, lemons, and oranges are examples. Elderberries are high in vitamin C as well.

Fever Bath– A hot bath feels good when you’re sick. We use fever baths in our house to raise our body temperature. A raised body temperature results in the body sending white blood cells out to war against what’s making us sick. It’s God’s design! This method can be used with children and adults. Simply take the hottest, deepest bath you can tolerate. Lay down and submerge as much of your body under water as you can. When you’ve taken all you can of it, get out and dress promptly to maintain your body heat. It is best to lay down and get some sleep or rest after taking a fever bath. For future reference, don’t become overly anxious when you or your children are running a fever. Fever was designed by God to help our bodies heal. Keep watch of the fever; don’t allow it to rise over 102 degrees. Ideally, 102 degrees is the ideal temperature for fighting illness. Let the fever run its course…don’t just automatically bring it down with Tylenol or other fever reducers.

Do-It-All Concoction– This strong drink works wonders in fighting illness! It’s easy to obtain the ingredients and make it. If you can stomach this drink, you’ll be feeling better in no time! Ingredients: 6 lemons, juiced (should equal 1 cup of lemon juice); 12 cloves of garlic; 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder; 2 teaspoons of powdered ginger; pineapple juice, honey or stevia to help with taste. Blend all ingredients (except pineapple juice) until smooth. Add enough pineapple juice to make one quart of the concoction. Drink 1 cup every 3 to 4 hours. Children can take this as well if you can get it down them! Just give them half the amount you take.

Powdered Charcoal– Charcoal can be taken internally to help with nausea or diarrhea. Charcoal can be used to help detox the body. There are all sorts of poultices that can be made with charcoal to apply to wounds, skin rashes, and boils.

Tinctures– These can be made at home or purchased online or at healthfood stores. They’re are so many helpful tinctures out there! A tincture is bark, berries, leaves, or roots soaked in alcohol or vinegar.

*Resources…Details…Where can I get these Products?

  1. Elderberries & Elderberry Tonic…Pick some locally. Buy some from Mountain Home Berry Farm. Order dried ones online. Elderberry Tonic recipes are easy to find online. You may also order elderberry products online, find them at healthfood stores, or buy tonic from Mountain Home Berry Farm.
  2. Colloidal Silver…Avini Health (Nano Silver)…need to sign up to receive products from this company. Call the Berry Farm for details.
  3. Herbal Teas…Traditional Medicinals makes some good teas. These can be found at healthfood stores as well as some grocery stores and can be purchased online.
  4. Probiotics…easy to find capsules or chewable tablets or in powder form at most healthfood stores or can be ordered online. Kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, etc can be found at most healthfood and grocery stores as well. You can also make your own at home!
  5. Essential Oils…I can only recommend Young Living. In my opinion, these are the best oils! You can put them on your skin, breathe them, and ingest them. If you’d like to know about Young Living products, let me know.
  6. Garlic…whole garlic- organic, not from China would be best…garlic powder- any grocery store would have this…garlic oil softgels- we love NOW garlic oil 1500 softgels…I order mine online. We take 3 softgels at a time.
  7. Like I said previously, I’ve not made these yet but want to! Lots of info can be found online.
  8. Herbs…Be sure to buy from reputable companies like brands you’d find at healthfood stores not Walgreen’s or Wal-Mart. Mullein is a great herb, and you can find that growing here! Leaves can be dried and made into a tea or dried and made into a powder.
  9. Vitamin C…eat vitamin C rich foods. Capsules, chewable tablets, liquids, and powders can be purchased online. Once again, I’d purchase vitamin C from the healthfood store and not at Walgreen’s or Wal-Mart or any store like that. The quality will probably not be great.
  10. Fever Baths…I learned about fever baths from a friend of ours who knows a lot about natural healing. As a former RN, she’s skilled in both natural and conventional medicine.
  11. Do-It-All Concoction…this recipe was given to me by the same friend who taught me about fever baths. I can tell you it works! I’ve used it many times over the years.
  12. Powdered Charcoal or Charcoal in Capsules…This can be found online or at most healthfood stores. You can buy it in powdered for or in capsules.
  13. Tinctures…There are recipes online. You can make your own at home or find already made tinctures online or at healthfood stores.
  14. Detox…Get the Tea is a highly effective product…easy detox and doesn’t taste bad. It’s a total system cleanse. Another good detox product is: Avini Health Cell Defender. As with the silver, you need to sign up with the company in order to get this product. Contact me for info. There are so many detox products that can be found at healthfood stores and online. Remember: make sure you have a cleaned out colon before trying to detox other systems unless you buy detox products designed to take care of everything.

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